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Welcome to ASB!

Bowman High School Associated Student Body is a student group that represents all students on campus. Students are encouraged to approach their ASB representatives with questions, concerns, and new ideas.

Get Involved!

Students who are interested in joining or getting involved with ASB are encouraged to talk to April.  ASB is a student run organization and is  always looking for student representatives who are positive, motivated, hardworking, and have a desire to help make Bowman dynamic, fun, and an exciting place to be.

ASB students participate in school meetings and plan activities throughout the year. They learn about and practice leadership skills including communication, problem solving techniques, brainstorming, parliamentary procedure, group dynamics, time management, goal setting, organizational skills, project planning, community outreach, delegation and public speaking. The objectives also include enhancing individual self esteem and self confidence, developing positive attitudes, coping with stress and becoming aware of leadership roles.

ASB is also civic minded and quick to respond to events inside and outside of the community.

  • ASB students work to help influence positive and safe behavior throughout the student body

  • ASB students help spread the word about the dangers of smoking, drug abuse, drunk driving, hate, and intolerance.
Be a voice on campus! 
Plan school activities!
Earn credits!
For more information or questions, see April in Portable B.
Scan QR code for more.
Contact Bowman High School's teacher and ASB Advisor April if interested in joining ASB!