
"DFYinSCV" (Drug Free Youth in Santa Clarita Valley) is a free, school-based, voluntary, anti-drug club for junior high and high school teens. In DFYinSCV, teens thrive drug free in a club run by teens, for teens.

Membership in DFYinSCV is not only voluntary but it is FREE to any student attending a school where there is a chapter.

If you are interested in becoming a member of DFYinSCV, please see Bowman High School Counselor and Club Advisor Lindsey.

External link:  http://dfyinscv.com/

X Week at Bowman!

X Week is a DFY IT celebration to X (cross) drugs out of our lives and off our campuses.  DFY IT's goals are to give students alternatives to substances and show them they can have fun without getting intoxicated. 
Contact Bowman High School teacher and DFYinSCV Club Advisor Lindsey if interested in learning more about joining Bowman's DFYinSCV Club!