Attendance » Attendance


To clear a student's absence or an early release, please contact the attendance office by phone/email/parent note, voicemail can be left at any time of the day as well.
Please note due to high call volume it can take up to 10-15 minutes to get your child out of class. If an early release is needed please call/email in the morning or a day in advance to pre-arrange for an off campus pass.
If a student requests a morning schedule, please see a counselor and be added to the waiting list.  Morning schedules are not guaranteed.  For any student with a morning schedule, attendance must be in good standing to keep their morning schedule.  Any student with 3 or more absences can be moved to the afternoon schedule.  Every 5 tardies is equal to one absence.  Each term, attendance is reviewed by administration.  
Telephone 661-253-4400 ext 122
By Email: when emailing please include both of us in the same email to ensure it's received.
Robyn Siroky - [email protected]
Richard Haring - [email protected]