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Dear Parents,
Welcome to the Bowman High School Parents Page. At Bowman, we value parent involvement and know parents are extremely valuable to our school and the educational success of students.
Education is a right! The Association of California School Administrators offers information on the rights of all students and parents. Please read about parent and student rights by clicking on this Web site: Education is a Right!
According to the ACSA Web site:

"... ACSA will provide timely, pragmatic, and empowering immigration information for our students, families, and communities. We do this by collaborating with attorneys, immigration experts, student advocates, and lawmakers to supply educators, parents, and students with the tools they need for educational equity and to find safety on school campuses."
Note to Parents:
  1. Proof of the Tdap booster shot will be required for all students entering 7th-12th entry beginning with the 2011-2012 school year. The requirement can be met by receiving one dose of the Tdap vaccine on or after the 10th birthday. Please make sure your child has had or receives their booster shot. Proof upon enrollment will be required.

  2. Report cards will no longer be mailed home. Parents may print out the report card directly from the Infinite Campus (IC) Portal:

Morgan Hill Case: Web site for more information